Asante Africa Foundation

Asante Africa Foundation


THURSDAY, May 11, 2023

7:30pm EST



$100/per person

Register below!

A Toast to Africa!

Sip, savor, and celebrate the flavors and stories of the African continent at our intimate gathering on the East Coast. With delicious wine tastings, delectable local bites, inspiring tales, and exciting raffles and prizes, this is an event you don’t want to miss!

Partnering with Sarza, VClub, Asante Capital, and Asante Africa Foundation, we’re bringing together a community of Africa lovers to support a great cause. Get ready to mingle, connect, and be inspired by the rich and vibrant culture of Africa.

Connect with 4 inspiring CEOs who:

    • Have a passion for the African continent
    • Have An understanding of challenges and the importance of Africa in the global space
    • Will show how each entity manages to improve in a sustainable manner
    • Will share how you can be a part of this collective


Asante Africa Foundation

This event is now over. 

Thank you to everyone who helped make it a success! 

Prepare to relax, be inspired, and enjoy great food and drinks in an engaging atmosphere with an African vibe

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