
Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude this Thanksgiving by Donating to Support Girls’ Education

Nov 20, 2023

As we gather around the table this Thanksgiving, let’s take a moment to reflect on the profound impact our gratitude can have on the lives of others. One way to express our attitude of gratitude is by supporting initiatives promoting education and empowering young minds. This season, consider cultivating an attitude of gratitude by directing your generosity towards Asante Africa Foundation, an organization dedicated to transforming the educational landscape for girls in East Africa (over 1 million lives impacted and counting).

At the heart of Asante Africa Foundation’s mission is the belief that education is a powerful tool for positive change. The foundation focuses on providing opportunities for young learners, particularly girls, who face numerous challenges in accessing quality education in the region. Your support becomes the key to unlocking a brighter future for these girls, allowing them to break free from the cycle of poverty and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

We even have some brilliant news that might encourage our generous donors even further! This holiday season, the Quest Foundation will kindly match all donations dollar for dollar (up to $10,000). Here is a sneak peek at just how much this means for our girls: 

education in kenya

“Dear Donor, I hope this message finds you and your family well. I am writing to express my gratitude for the support you have given me throughout my academic journey. Thanks to your generosity, I have successfully completed my A-level education and achieved Division II, which is commendable.” – Hosiana


education in kenya“Dear Donor, I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continuous support throughout my academic journey, from primary through high school to my recent completion of Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) with merit from Form 6 level. Thanks to your generous contributions, I have been selected to pursue a Bachelor of Mathematics program at the University of Dodoma. Your belief in me and your investment in my future has been a significant source of inspiration and motivation. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and using the knowledge to contribute positively to my community and society at large.

Thank you for being a source of hope in my life and for setting the stage for a promising tomorrow.” -Sarafina


These heartfelt messages are only a few of hundreds that the girls under the care of the Asante Africa Foundation have to express to donors across the world. It is essential to recognize the transformative role education plays in shaping the destiny of individuals and societies. Asante Africa Foundation has been unwavering in its commitment to fostering education and sustainable change. By supporting this organization, you contribute to the broader goal of empowering girls with the knowledge and skills needed to overcome obstacles and build a better future for themselves and those around them.

The cornerstone of Asante Africa Foundation’s efforts lies in the generosity of donors like you. Your financial contributions catalyze change, providing resources for scholarships, mentorship programs, and community-driven initiatives that enhance the overall educational experience for these young learners. Your partnership becomes the driving force behind the transformation of individual lives, creating a ripple effect that positively influences entire communities.

As we express our gratitude around the Thanksgiving table, let’s cultivate the attitude of gratitude and extend that appreciation beyond borders. By donating to Asante Africa Foundation, you actively contribute to shaping a future where every girl has the opportunity to thrive through education. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude that transcends the holiday season, making a lasting difference in the lives of young learners who aspire to build a brighter tomorrow.

WRITTEN BY: Mayuri Goswami

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