Family Essentials

Now is the Time to Give.

$90 USD per month supports a family of 5

In response to the urgent and immediate needs of our communities, we have developed a “Family Essentials Package” that will alleviate some of the challenges families are experiencing.

What is included in the “Family Essentials Package”?

The “Family Essentials Package” includes all of the basic supplies a family of five in East Africa will need during the COVID-19 crisis. Our packages will be distributed to the remote communities in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, where our students and their families live. 

Family Essentials
Family Essentials
  • Food Includes: Rice 10KGS ~ Cooking Oil 3L ~ Salt 1KG ~ Maize 10KG ~ Sugar 2KG ~ Greens 7KG
  • Supplies will be purchased locally to help communities keep their shops open.
  • Supplies will be distributed in accordance with community health officials by Asante Africa Coordinators.
Family Essentials

Now more than ever we need your help to provide the essential needs for 500 children and their families.

At Asante Africa Foundation, we partner with communities “off the paved road” where many of its youth and their families are already vulnerable and face barriers to food security, access to clean water, and basic hygiene supplies. The rapid spread of COVID-19 puts these communities at the much higher risk. Employment loss and reduced incomes put a strain on families and their ability to purchase resources. Young girls and women are particularly vulnerable remaining at home because of the increased likelihood of child marriage and gender-based violence.

In response to the urgent and immediate needs of our communities, we have developed a “Family Essentials Package” that will alleviate some of the challenges families are experiencing. One package for $90 will support a family of 5 for one month and provide soap, water, food, face masks, and reusable menstrual pads that will all be purchased at local shops.

Redirecting our priorities to address the current needs and challenges will enable us to continue supporting communities in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. 

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