Beyond the Page

Beyond the Page

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” ― Frederick Douglass Here, at this page, is one of the greatest freedoms we take for granted: our ability to read, to translate the world and have the larger world translated to us. Our literacy builds bridges that...

Remember the first day of school?

The fall session in schools has just started and most of us are probably wistfully looking back on summer as some kind of recent, warm, dream that slipped away far too quickly. Around the world students, parents, and teachers alike are gearing up for a new school year...
She made it against the odds!

She made it against the odds!

One of the perks of having some of the US Team travel to Africa for a Global Strategy Meet is making our library of stories richer. To be able to share with the Asante Africa community worldwide stories about the impact that we’re able to make. A lot of them are...
Notes from a Donor’s Journey

Notes from a Donor’s Journey

Chris Pernick is a part of Asante Africa Foundation’s USA Donor and Advising Team and also a participant at this year’s Global Strategy Meeting. She shares how chance and an alignment in ideologies led her to come on board, and tells us what she thought after seeing...
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