
The balance of religions here

While in Kenya, Gathii and I visited a primary school where 2 children are on scholarship by Asante Africa FOundation. We were given a tour of all the classrooms and all the students in each class welcomed us with a greeting. In the class 8 — the teacher asked the class, “ While we have an american here is there anything you would like to ask her?” Everyone was shy at first and then they began to ask the typcial questions of who are you, how many children to you have, and are you married BUT one young boy raised his hand and asked………….
“How do the Americans feel about Obama approving a mosque to be build next to the site of the twin towers” — — and this young boy was muslim.

Now mind you I had only heard about this on TV the night before myself so I am really glad i was sitting in the TV room visitng with the locals the night before ( that is another story in itself- remind me to tell you later.

This thought provoking question from a 12 year old has really made me more observant of life here and how religion is managed between the christians and the muslims.

And it is Ramadan season here as well so there is much to observe and learn about as well.


The balance of religions here

The balance of acceptance between a Christian community and the and muslim communities seems to have a bit more understanding around it. You see women in full burkas shopping in the market next to Christian women in modern western dress.

Friday was the final day of Ramadan and the town is alive with energy. Many goats will be slaughtered today and numerous parties will be had all over the country ( where you are muslim or not). The weekend will be fun to be in town.

We coud all do with a bit more learning and a bit less immeidate reactions when it comes to life that is different than our own.

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